Friday, February 11, 2011

Write about a place where you could not happily live.

      I’d like to think that I could happily live anywhere.  I’ve always told Josh that I would move anywhere but Texas, although that sentiment could possibly bite me in my Indiana butt.  I can tell you what makes me really happy about places.  First, I really need a wonderful library.  Next, I want bike paths.  I would love to be able to ride my bike as many places as possible.  We chose our house that we live in now because it is close to several miles of bike paths.  I love trees and being outside. Our home now is surrounded by several cottonwood trees that loom above our second story.  Their utter beauty makes up for the leaves that must be picked up from July through November.
       I could not live happily without Josh or the kids.  But since we get to go together as a family unit, I feel many places are open to us.  I don’t really want to head over to Pakistan or Iran.  Russia isn’t really on my radar. What I keep thinking is that every time I have made a big move, a wonderful new friendship was waiting for me.  When I went to U of I, I met Heidi at “Math Camp”, which was horrible, but we danced with tennis rackets as “My Sharona” blared from our radio.  When I transferred to Indiana University, I met Veronica on that very first day. I helped her install a halogen light bulb and we’ve been friends every since.  I cannot imagine my life without her.  Even when I was little, when we moved from Minnesota to Illinois and I thought my heart would break, I met Rachel and then Abby, two women I still love.  They will forever hold a very special place in my heart. 
       Stereotypes threaten to get in my way when opening up to new places.  I remember thinking with utter horror about us moving to Indiana.  I imagined waves of toothless people mulling about sporting green John Deer caps and worn out overalls with no shirt underneath.  I think I would not be happy in a few countries, but overall, I’m keeping an open mind for the present time.  

 I could move to Texas if I could skate around in these!


Jennifer C. said...

Have you ever visited Texas? I really liked it the couple of times I've been there. Nice people, and lots of space on the roads. :-)

kennedykid said...

I haven't Jennifer. Again, I just have these terrible stereotypes in my head. I see everyone walking around with monogrammed rifles perched on their shoulders. The men gnaw on bloody steaks like others chew gum. The women shun you if your nails aren't manicured twice a week. And if your hair isn't big enough to obstruct someone's view, you are a poor excuse for a woman. I have quite the imagination as you can see!
Spacious roads are nice. Nice people are better! :)

Jamie said...

Stereotypes are interesting things. I'm sure you could write a whole blog entry on that alone!
I understand about your feeling about moving to IN ... I had that same feeling when moving to GA! What is really crazy are friends that have never moved anywhere and still have those stereotypes.

kennedykid said...

I know it Jamie. They are ridiculous! But humorous all the same! Actually writing them down illustrates how silly they can be! You, of course, barge through all stereotypes and are the wonderful world traveler! *Sigh* So envious!