Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Crazy people

Write about something some people think is fun, but you think is extreme/crazy.

Black Friday shopping.  Honestly, almost any kind of shopping outside of grocery shopping has me heading for a tall bridge.  But in deep and dark retail forest, Black Friday is the big mama bear thrashing about, ready to devour inexperienced shoppers like myself.  I come from a family of serious shoppers.  My sister does it for a living. She is a buyer for a children’s catalog company.  My mom, well, she makes internet shopping look like an Olympic sport and each day that woman earns a gold medal.  My dad browses the malls just for the fun of it.   If he is bored on a weekend, he’ll head out to the mall just to stroll about content to be among the purchasing masses.  My genetic makeup somehow mutated from that of my family’s.  After 75 minutes in any given mall structure, I start to crumble.  My right shoulder aches where my purse fearfully holds on for dear life.  My throat dries out.  I bring a big bottle of water with me each time as if I am heading out into the dessert and not Old Navy.  Usually after two hours my stomach starts to hurt and I need a lunch break in order to continue.  Lunch usually requires a side of French fries with plenty of ketchup.  Normally I cannot even make it to lunch, even if the promise of French fries is mentioned.  

I know people who giddily anticipate Black Friday and all the deals they will nab.  They browse the fliers that arrive in their mail boxes and map out a plan of action.  I would much rather keep my water bottle, purse and French- fry- free butt at home and go out another day when the crowds aren’t so crazy  and I can buy my gifts in 75 minutes or less.


Anonymous said...

Ok, I'm finally leaving a comment! While Black Fridays make me squirm with anxiety, I LOVE going over to Clay Terrance and just poking around in the different shops. Doesn't even matter if I buy anything, although it definitely sweetens things if I find something I love. This me. Shannon if she'll come. We're SOOO over ther for an entire afternoon (complete with lunch but b/c we are hungry, not because we need a break!)

Anonymous said...

Ok, I'm finally leaving a comment...while Black Fridays make me shiver with anxiety (I NEVER do them!), I LUV to go to Clay Terrace and poke around in the shops for an entire afternoon! I don't even have to buy anything, but if I do find something, that just sweetens the deal. This me. Shannon if she'll come. at Clay Terrace for a whole afteroon AND we'll do lunch too (but b/c we're hungry, not b/c you need a break!)....DEAL?????

kennedykid said...

Oh Kathy, be careful what you wish for. My sister, the person who shops for a living, even gets annoyed with me. I am trying to get better. As long as we eat I'll be okay! Thanks for checking the blog!